Fungal toenail disease can occur for a variety of reasons. Onychomycosis is filled with many troubles, from an unsightly appearance to a constant feeling of pain and itching. It is very easy to catch, but not so easy to cure. In this article, we will talk about effective remedies for toenail fungus.
About onychomycosis
Fungal diseases are of infectious origin and usually affect certain areas of the nails and skin. Onychomycosis can be contracted in contact with the household, ie after the general use of socks, shoes, as well as in the pool, sauna, gym, etc.
Symptoms of toenail fungus appear gradually. The first signs can be noticed immediately:
- nails change color: they become gray, yellow, black, gray or white;
- begin to disintegrate;
- the plate is layered;
- the skin near the nail begins to itch;
- affected areas hurt.

As the disease progresses, keratinization of the nail is observed, as well as pronounced compression.
Those who treat fungus should know that this infection is very resistant. Even if the lesion led to the removal of the nail, there is a possibility that recurrent inflammation will develop from a small focus, which went unnoticed. Therefore, it is very important to carry out the treatment correctly so that you do not have to worry about the consequences in the form of recurrence in the future. It is better to consult a doctor immediately, especially a mycologist. If there is no such specialist, a dermatologist can help you.
There are various treatments for onychomycosis. Today, you can find many preparations for nail fungus in pharmacies: ointments, creams, tablets and varnishes. Doctors advise the simultaneous practice of oral medications and local therapy. Thus, the treatment will be the most complete, but also complex. It should be borne in mind that the therapy will last a long time - about 2-4 months.
Remedy for nail fungus
The treatment regimen must be chosen by a physician. Self-medication is not worth it, because improper use of drugs can cause the development of resistance to them in fungal agents, as well as lead to further progression of the disease. In addition, antifungal drugs are quite "strong" and have a number of contraindications. A wide range of drugs is used against onychomycosis:
- topical medications (creams, ointments, solutions, varnishes);
- drugs for oral administration (tablets, capsules).
Local preparations
They are a medicine for external use against fungi. They are prescribed in the initial phase of onychomycosis, ie when the fungus infects less than 30% of the nail surface on 1-2 fingers.
The use of these drugs is associated with some peculiarities. In order for the active substances to penetrate deep into the nail structure and have a therapeutic effect, you need to go through 2 stages:
- Removal of nail plate areas affected by fungi. To do this, you need to steam the nails in a solution of baking soda for 10-15 minutes, then carefully remove the top softened layer with a file and treat it with disinfectant. The solution is prepared simply: add 2 tablespoons to 2 liters of water. l. baking soda and 5 g of laundry soap.
- Treatment with antifungal fungicide. The medicine (ointment, gel, varnish) should be applied to the affected nail.
Antifungal drugs in the form of varnish are popular. It should be applied only to the affected area of the nail 2 times a week. The course of treatment is until the symptoms of onychomycosis completely disappear.
Also, keratolytics should be distinguished among local preparations. It is a painless and cheap alternative to hardware removal of the affected nail. With the help of these means, you can soften the stratum corneum of the nail plate, which is subsequently rejected. These drugs should be used when the surface area of the fungus is greater than 40%. The method of application looks like this:
- steam your feet in a solution of soda and soap;
- grind the surface of the plate with a file;
- lubricate abundantly with the selected composition;
- treat the treated area with adhesive tape.
Such actions must be performed every 3-4 days. As a result, healthy nails should grow instead of diseased nails.
Oral medications
These are medicines for nail fungus, available in tablets or capsules for oral administration. These medications are prescribed in advanced cases, when the fungus has infected more than 50% of the nail surface and is actively progressing further.
Oral antifungal drugs are toxic and have many contraindications. In particular, they should not drink them during pregnancy, lactation, kidney and liver disease. To reduce the risk of side effects, such medications are prescribed for short courses.
We recommend that you check with your doctor about the dosage of medication and the course of treatment. All cases are individual.
Folk remedies against nail fungus
Folk recipes against onychomycosis on the nails can help only in the initial phase of the disease. Antifungal properties are inherent in many plants, improvised medicines from home first aid kits and refrigerators.
The following folk remedies are popular:
- Iodine.It has pronounced antiseptic, fungicidal properties. The solution should be used to treat diseased nails and skin twice a day (1 drop per nail). Course: month. True, this method has drawbacks - the fingers become yellow, sometimes burns can occur.
- Tea mushroom. . . Peel a small piece of mushroom and chop. Rub the porridge into the affected nails, do not rinse. Then apply a bactericidal patch and put on tight socks. The procedure must be done three times until the diseased nail plate falls off and a new nail grows.
- Vinegar 9%. . . Moisten your nails with acetic acid overnight and put on socks. Leave until morning. You can also take a bath. Pour a glass of vinegar into a bowl with warm water and steam the nails for 15 minutes. Each procedure should be performed daily until the symptoms of the fungus subside.
- Birch tar. . . With onychomycosis, you need pure tar. If not, then tar soap will serve. The product must be rubbed into the nails, fixed with a coating and left overnight. Rinse in the morning. And so every day until complete recovery.
- Celandine. . . Boil dry grass with 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then mix with water in a ratio of 1: 1. Keep your fingers in the resulting solution for 30 minutes. Do it every day.
- Peel an onion. . . 4 tbsp. onion peel pour a glass of vodka, cover with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 2 weeks. The resulting tincture should be lubricated with nails 4 times a day.
- Lavender oil, tea tree oil and olive oil.Mix in equal proportions, apply the composition on the affected nail plate. You need to use this home remedy every day before bed in socks.
Although you can find many positive reviews about the use of these folk remedies in a wide network, their effectiveness has not been scientifically proven. If you practice them, then only as an adjunct to drug treatment. Of course, the doctor should be warned about this.
Onychomycosis is a fungal nail disease that is difficult to get rid of. Only an integrated approach to therapy can achieve a positive outcome. You shouldn’t play "doctor" and put together a treatment plan yourself. Most medications are contraindicated and can cause side effects. The best way to treat fungus can only be suggested by an expert. The drugs described above and their analogues are suitable for the treatment of onychomycosis that occurs on the toes not only of the feet but also of the hands.